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Project and Case for Support Development

If you can demonstrate:

  • that there is a need for your project or service,

  • that your project is the best way to respond to that need,

  • that you and your team have the experience to deliver it, and

  • that your budget shows it is cost effective,


then you should be able to raise the funding for it.

Sounds simple? It is – but simple is not the same as easy.

I can work with you and your team to make sure that your proposal is based on robust research and consultation, you can clearly evidence your outcomes and impact, your budget is realistic and based on a full-cost recovery model, and that you communicate your ideas and plans in the language that your target funders understand.

I also undertake evaluations and reviews, including stakeholder interviews and research to produce:

  • mid- or end-of-project reports as required by funders;

  • key learning and evidence to support new service development or future funding applications;

  • key learning and evidence to inform organisation development and strategic planning.

You want your projects to be effective and making a real impact on the lives of your beneficiaries.  You want your Case for Support to be the best it can be, compelling and irrefutable. So do your prospective funders. So do I.

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